Monthly Meeting Minutes


Minutes of Members ‘ Meeting, January 13, 2025

The meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM by President Austin Murphy. There were 34 attendees, including several visitors and new members who introduced themselves.

Recording secretary Nancy Kupar-Page reviewed the minutes from the December 9th meeting. Treasurer Dwayne McCullough gave the financial report: about $3995 in the Bay Challenge account (the $3000 donation to Chincoteague Bay Field Station had not yet been cashed), about $785 in the regular checking account and about $8928 in the money market account. The deposit of $200 to the Elks for our March 1st banquet has been made. Dorothy Elliott made the motion that both the minutes and financial reports be accepted as presented, David Page seconded the motion and it was so carried.

Marty Bull gave a pitch for auction and raffle items for the upcoming banquet. This is our biggest fundraising event! Marty has tickets available for sale and stressed that the event would start at 4:30 PM with dinner at about 6:00 PM. BYOB. Cost will be $25 for adults and $10 for youth under 10. Dwayne requested that folks submit videos or slides that can be made into a rolling show at the banquet. (Contact him with your videos.) Letters with membership dues and banquet information will be sent soon.

Brian Hill introduced himself as the Fishing Chair and explained how to submit information about fish that have been caught in order to garner awards at our banquet. Talk to him if you need clarification. Brian noted that this year’s youth surf fishing outing will be held at Guard Shore the 3rd week in May instead of at Assateague. We are hoping for a more productive outing. Copies of our calendar of events for 2025 were passed around. The youth outing at Kiptopeke has been added to our calendar after its inaugural event in 2024 was so well received.

Austin pointed out that the club is in search of a new secretary to replace Don McGavock. Please consider the request. He also noted that there will be a board meeting very soon and that the February meeting will include officer elections.

With business concluded at 7:25 PM, Austin introduced John Evans of Tidewater Charters who was to talk about targeting cobia.

Respectfully submitted, Nancy Kupar-Page, Recording Secretary


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