Monthly Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Members Meeting February 13, 2023

Austin Murphy called the meeting to order at 7:00.

There were two guests present.  They each received the “Welcome Packet” from the secretary.

Austin Murphy announced that the club had received a donation from the Onancock Elks Lodge.  

Don McGavock read the minutes from the January meeting and gave an update on the club finances.

Grant Coordinator, Steve Elliott, reported that we had received the $2400 from the VMRC for youth outings.  He included that the club would pay a share of $1600.

Sam Sellard spoke on legislation pending regarding funding for research on the status of the Menhaden Fishery.

Marty Bull reminded those present to order their banquet tickets.

Our speaker, Captain Keith Neal, spoke to us about how he prepares for his charter trips.  He described the myriad aspects of offshore charters which he has experienced over the past twenty-five years.

The meeting adjourned around 8:30.  Many remained to talk to Capt. Neal.

Submitted by:

Don McGavock, Secretary

Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting, January 17, 2023

  1. Nomination of Officers and Directors for 2023:

     Nancy Page made a motion to carry over the existing slate from 2022.  Marty Bull resigned as Chairman of Youth Days activities.  The motion was revised to retain the 2022 slate except for the Youth Days Chairman.  The motion carried.

  • 2023 Tournaments Schedule:

      The new schedule was presented and will be posted online and be mailed with the banquet invitations.

  •  The Awards Banquet March 4th, 5:30 PM, Accomac Elks Lodge:

      Marty Bull reported that the meal would cost $25 for members and $30 for non-members.  The meal consists of Pot Roast, Chicken Marsala, Mac and Cheese, Green Beans, Rolls, Coffee, Tea, and Desert.  There will be a facilities fee and a clean-up fee.  The Secretary will purchase a BYOP ABC License.  Motion by Sam Sellard to authorize up to $600 for radio and newspaper ads for the banquet if attendance needs to be increased.

  •   Youth Day Costs:

       Steve Elliott, the VMRC Grant Coordinator, reported that the cost for the three youth events exceeded the allocated funds of $3,221 by $1,468.  He reported that we would have, under the current system, $3,543 to work with in 2023.  Discussion followed.  Marty Bull explained that we had paid Seahawk for some items which Seahawk had donated in the past.  It was not clear how we would manage to avoid a shortfall in 2023.  There was an attempt at a motion for the Youth Days Chairmen to write a budget for each of the events for 2023.  The motion was not recognized by the Chair.

Marty Bull agreed to providing an inventory of relevant items on hand.  Sam Sellard made a motion to not ask VMRC for less money.  The motion passed.  It was decided to recycle used trophies for Youth Events.

     5  Species Awards and Special Awards:

          Brian Hill provided a written accounting of the estimated cost of $3,100 for the accumulated awards to be presented at the banquet.  He also provided a written list of the Special Awards Winners and made it simple to vote for the David Lee Lewis and the John Rudiger Awards winners.  It was unanimously agreed that the Freshwater Angler of the Year Award would henceforth be known as the George Phillips Freshwater Angler of the Year Award.  Brian made a motion to continue the policy of photographing the measured fish which are turned in for species awards.  The motion passed.  There was a vote taken to decide the winner of the Bob Hutchinson Award.  Motion by Nancy Page to begin members meetings at 7:00 PM.  The motion passed.  Motion by Leroy Imler to resume taking attendance at meetings and to take names of any youths at tournaments.  The motion passed.  Steve Elliott made a motion to pay the fee associated with having members included in VSSA in 2023.

         Those attending were as follows: Austin Murphy, Sam Sellard, Don McGavock, Steve Elliott, Leroy Imler, Marty Bull, Mike Beans, Ray Willett, Hunter Cooper, Brian Hill, and Nancy Page.

Submitted by,

Don McGavock, Secretary


              Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting March 11, 2022

President, Dean Carroll, called the meeting to order at 7PM.  Before any business was conducted, a gift certificate in the amount of $500 from Sea Hawk Sports was given to Marty Bull in recognition of his work at the annual banquet.  In conjunction with the award, it was reported that the banquet had netted over $13,000 for the club.  Marty collected auction items which sold for $14,725.

Treasurer, Ken Schultz, while recuperating from a knee replacement, managed to construct a document which explained to our new President and other board members what we needed to know to make a decision with regard to our fast maturing Certificate of Deposit (CD) at the PNC Bank.  He informed Dean that he needed to replace Sam Sellard as a signatory on the accounts at the PNC Bank.  The Secretary provided Dean with a copy of the minutes of the February Board of Directors meeting which includes the names of new officers.

After discussion, Sam Sellard made a motion to roll over the CD for four months and not to add to the amount.  The motion was seconded and was passed.

Brian Hill lead a discussion about the best way to reward the species winners at the awards banquet.  Nancy Page made a motion to give first place winners $50 gift certificates and second place winners $25 gift certificates all of which will come from Sea Hawkm Sports.  The motion passed.  Marty Bull made a motion to require that any fish turned in had to include a picture of the fish on a measuring tape.  That motion also passed.

After a lengthy discussion about renaming the club “Outings” to “Tournaments,” Don McGavock made a motion to monetize the “Tournaments” by giving the winner ofeach event a check for $100.  Youth winners would accumulate points toward receiving a check for $100.  Anyone could fish the tournament, but only members could be prize winners.  Winners would be paid at the awards ceremony.  The motion passed.  Brian Hill must purge the web site of all mention of outings and instead use the word “Tournament.”

Sam Sellard made a motion to allow the Youth Surf Fishing Event directors to purchase seven new surf rods for event fishing-not for prizes.  The motion passed.

Don McGavock made a motion that Marty Bull find the trailer he needs and to make a proposal at the next board meeting.  The motion passed.

Austin Murphy and Trevor Wessells were asked to set up an Instagram account and to use Facebook to announce the changes in awards that will take effect this year.

The meeting adjourned about 8PM.

Those in attendance were Dean Carroll, Sam Sellard, Austin Murphy, Trevor Wessells, Mike Bean, Don McGavock, Marty Bull, Nancy Page, David Page, Brian Hill, Ray Willett, George Phillips, and Leroy Imler.

Submitted by,

Don McGavock, Secretary

Minutes – Dec. 11, 2019

Eastern Shore of Virginia Anglers Club Board of Directors

Present: Ken Schultz, Marty Bull, Leroy Imler, Sam Sellard, Jean Sellard, David Page, Nancy Page, Ray Willett, Don McGavock, Steve Elliott, Dorothy Elliott, George Phillips, and Brian Hill.

Old Business


Treasurer Ken Schultz reported that the membership list he inherited from the previous Treasurer/Secretary has 317 names on it, many of whom are past members. Currently 159 are listed as paid members. Adding in 43 people listed as family members brings the estimated total membership to 202. However, some people did not list all family members when they joined.

The Board directed the Secretary and Treasurer to revise the application form, create a new letter to members, and revise the membership list(s). They will stress the need for e-m addresses to communicate with members, how those addresses have been used, and a few other points. It was agreed that there would be no increase in dues for 2020.


Treasurer Ken Schultz reported the following account balances as of this date: $2,313 in checking, $2,806 in savings, and $7,459 in a CD that matures in June 2020. Upcoming income includes $2,200 from the VMRC for youth fishing events; expenses to come include an insurance bill, $300 for a youth fishing days sign, and routine business. The Board renewed its interest in a $150 gift certificate for Matt Abell, which the Treasurer will take care of.


Ken reported that the current general liability insurance does not cover our youth fishing events and any injury that might occur at these. That policy, with Windsor-Mt. Joy insurance (the agent is Maureen Cody at Avery Hall in Salisbury), specifically covers our members and is specific to our fishing tournament, banquet, and meetings for premises liability and damage to facilities caused by the club, and the rates are based on us not serving or selling alcohol.

There was discussion about whether we needed this policy, as we have no real assets in the event of being sued. Ms. Cody had advised that many places where events are held require organizations to provide their own insurance in case of damage caused by the organization at the site, if someone gets injured at the site through the fault of the organization, and/or if there is a food issue/sickness.

Quotes were obtained from two companies for Special Risk insurance to cover the youth fishing events. The Board decided to accept the one from Hartford (which came through Ms. Cody), which carries an annual cost of $422 and can commence in April 2020. It was believed that the expense of this could be offset by VMRC funds and included in our expense reporting to VMRC.

Youth Fishing Days

Steve Elliott reported that the club returned $308 to the VMRC for unspent expenses in 2019, and that he has signed the contract for 2020 and will receive those funds ($2,200) in a few weeks. The 2020 proposal was for two events, and the Board confirmed its interest in having three events for 2020, the third being youth surf fishing. A VMRC representative had indicated that we could amend our 2020 proposal to include an additional youth event provided that we did not exceed the budget previously submitted and did not request additional funds. Steve will notify the VMRC that we wish to amend the 2020 contract to allow us to hold and expense three events. Since requests for 2021 funding have to be submitted in March of 2020, Steve will construct the next proposal to include three events.

March 7, 2020 Banquet

Marc Gaskins reported to President Sam Sellard that for various reasons the Chincoteague Fire Hall and Don’s Seafood in Chincoteague were not options for 2020. Banquet chairman Marty Bull presented cost info for the Elks Club in Accomac, based on an anticipated attendance of 100 people. The Board opted for a $29 meal option, and after much haranguing from Marty (!), agreed that it would subsidize the cost over the previously agreed cap of $25 per person. The cost he presented included taxes and gratuities, and there was an additional charge of either $75 or $100 for cleanup depending on whether we had more or less than 100 attendees. The Elks cannot serve non Elks members alcohol. Marty suggested that we get an alcohol permit so that members could bring their own alcohol (which is what the Elks told him could be done), but the Board decided not to do this as it seemed to conflict with our insurance policy.

The Treasurer wrote a check for $200 to the Elks as a deposit for this event. Marty will meet with the Banquet Committee to make decisions about the particulars of the event and, as noted in a previous Board meeting, will otherwise adhere to expenses contained in the 2020 budget.

New Business

Event & Outing Dates, 2020

Dates were established for the outings and youth events and the Bay Challenge, including the following:

April 26, Assateague Youth Surf Fishing

June 7, Morley’s Wharf Youth Pier Fishing

Sept. 20, Saxis Youth Pier Fishing

Oct. 10, Onancock Bay Challenge


Minutes from November 11, 2019

     Sam Sellard opened the meeting and read minutes of the previous meeting.  Treasurer, Ken Schultz, reported that the checking account, the CD, and the Savings total was $12,727.

     Brian Hill reported that there were many new fish entries.

     Ken Schultz’s conservation report was about the reduction of Rockfish in the Chesapeake Bay.  He reported that Omega Protein had intentionally exceeded its quota by thirty per cent.  Also that the AFMSC had restricted Rockfish catch in the ocean to one fish, 28-35inches.and that circle hooks be required when fishing with bait.

      New Business.  There will be a vote at the December meeting to approve the newest version of the Anglers’ Club By-laws.

     Marty Bull reported that the club surf team placed second out of a field of 120 teams in the 2019 Hatteras Surf Fishing Tournament.

     Member Gary Seay spoke at length in favor of all fish entries being weighed.  It was explained to him by several members that in part it was a conservation measure, that we didn’t want to kill fish just so they could be weighed.  He asked if this were an Anglers’ Club or a Conservation Club.  Mr. Seay finally sat down and Sam Sellard gave a talk on the benefits of using popping corks.

Eastern Shore Anglers’ Club

October 14, 2019  

Sam Sellard opened the meeting.

Ken Schultz issued the Treasurers Report.  He also asked for input regarding the purchase of liability insurance to cover all ESAC Events.  In addition, he reported that he had paid for the ESAC members to become members of the Virginia Saltwater Sportfishing Association, VSSA.

Committee Reports:

     Bay Challenge.  Don McGavock reported that 127 Adults and 17 Juniors participated.  He said that the club would give the CBFS
$2500 for Conservation Scholarships.  He thanked the Bay Challenge Committee for their contributions to the tournament and asked that others, especially younger members, join the committee.

Old Business:  None

New Business:

     Sam Sellard reported that the Board of the ESAC had installed new officers and chairs:

          Ken Schultz, Treasurer; Don McGavock; Ray Willett, Outings Chairman; and Marty Bull, Johnny Conquest Kid’s Day Chairman.  Also reported that Marty’s committee would consist of Tim and Cindy Smith, David and Nancy Page, Ron Wolff, Sterling Forwood, Carole Turner, and Mark Gaskins.      Member, Brooks Howell, reported that the Accomack County Supervisors would meet Sept. 16 to discuss the renovation of the Hacksneck boat ramp and the purchase of land for parking.  He asked that the club be represented at the meeting to promote the ramp and access to Nandua Creek.

The Speaker, Steve Atkinson, of VSSA talked about the reduction of Striper population due to Menhaden harvest.  He asked for support to combat the forces in the legislature preventing regulation.

                                                                        Respectfully submitted:

                                                                          Don McGavock, Secretary


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