The Eastern Shore Anglers’ Club is celebrating its 60th Anniversary; sixty years of fishing, conservation, and fellowship. After nearly shutting down for a year, the club is now operating at full speed. Our in-person meetings have resumed at the Sage Diner and we enjoyed a great “Youth Fishing” outing at Morley’s Wharf last Sunday. In May, members of the famous Fish Hogs, fished with local youngsters from the beach at Assateague. Then there the monthly outings, open to the public, where members compete for annual prizes. We look forward to the second Johnny Conquest Youth Fishing Event at Saxis Pier on September 12.
Our Awards
Banquet, normally held I n March, will be combined with the “End of
Summer” picnic at beautiful Sawmill Park on the afternoon of October 3rd.
The signature club event, The Onancock Bay Challenge, will resume this year on October 9th. In addition to supporting conservation scholarships for local youths at the Chincoteague Bay Field Station, this year the tournament will be paying tribute to the late Willie Crockett for his many years of quiet service to the Anglers’ Club. We will be making a contribution to the “Willie Crockett Scholarship Fund.”
You can learn more about the club and the Fish Hogs by reading the “About Us” section of our website,